About Us

Science at the service of building owners

Our mission

"To create innovative nanosealers that extend the lifespan of building materials."

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From America, for America.

All our nanosealer products are designed in North America to meet the expectations of North American homeowners. Our products are tested in the field and in laboratories to offer real added value in their real-life application.

Backed by science

About nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is the science of engineering and technology at the nanoscale. As a reference point, the thickness of a sheet of paper is about 150,000 nanometers.

Ranging from 40 to 60 nanometers in size, the nanoparticles we use are infinitely microscopic. This is what allows them to penetrate materials to protect them from the inside.

Unlike a coating or paint that creates a protective layer on the surface, our nanosealers act on the molecular structure of materials to modify and strengthen them.

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Are you a construction professional? Help your clients get a return on their investment by extending the lifespan of their materials with our suite of nanosealers! Join hundreds of professionals across America and become a GoNano certified partner.


Answers to your questions

Check out the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

When should I apply GoNano technology to my roof? 


It isn’t so much the age that matters but rather the current condition of a roof. You will of course benefit greatly from applying GoNano Shingle Saver to a younger roof (up to 12 years old) however our GoNano Revive product is perfect for older roofs (from 8 to 25 years). The sooner you apply Gonano Shingle Saver or Revive, the sooner you benefit from GoNano’s anti-aging properties.

How much does the GoNano treatment cost? 


The cost of a GoNano treatment depends on several factors, including your location, the complexity of your roof, and its current condition. Features like the pitch of your roof, gables, and overall accessibility can also impact pricing. Additionally, some resellers may have higher costs based on their market area. For an accurate quote tailored to your home, we recommend reaching out to your local GoNano reseller for a free roof assessment.

What is the warranty period on GoNano technologies?


Depends on the product but for Shingle Saver (for asphalt shingles) is up to 15 years. Revive, Concrete and Wood Saver is up to 10 years. 

The treatments applied by our certified partners are guaranteed for a period that can vary according to the type and condition of the surfaces at the time of installation. The warranty is fully transferable in the event of the sale of your home.

Does the technology change the appearance of the roof?


Yes, for the better.

The treatment helps restore the original appearance of your roof, while modifying and improving it.

What effect would rain have on the technology?



Once the treatment has penetrated the first layer of roofing (about two hours after application), rain makes absolutely no difference.

What is nanotechnology?


Science at the nanoscale.

One meter is equivalent to one billion nanometers. To put it in simpler terms, 1 Nano particle is 30,000 times smaller than a human hair! Nanotechnology is science, engineering and technology performed on particles ranging from 1 to 150 nanometers, which makes it infinitely small.

How long has nanotechnology been around?


Several centuries.

Even though nanoscience is fairly recent, in the Middle Ages nanoparticles were used to dye glass. Today, we use it in a scientific way to benefit from the superior properties of nanoparticles across multiple applications.

Does the application of the product void the warranty from shingle manufacturers? 


No, GoNano does not void any of the current shingle manufacturer warranties. We have undertaken a comprehensive legal assessment with our law firm to confirm this for the leading shingle manufacturers such as IKO, Owens Corning, BP, and GAF.

Would you do repairs before applying the product to the roof?


Yes, we will do small repairs such as replacing shingles that are lost, broken or have become loose.

Which institutions have approved your nanotechnology product? 


Our nanotechnology has been proven by top-notch American institutions to make sure it's the real deal:
Tested under Impact Resistance Standard (UL2218)
Tested under Fire Proofing Standard (UL790)
Tested under Great Winds Standard (ASTM D3161)

Should my roof be cleaned or softwash before any application that seals it up is applied to the surface?


We would only require soft washing before applying GoNano on a roof when there is heavy algae or moss growth that has rooted into the shingles. However, apart from these situations, soft washing before applying GoNano is mainly for aesthetic reasons, as clients often want their roof to look new. It's important to note that dirt will not affect the performance of a GoNano application. However, once GoNano is applied, soft washing afterward will no longer be effective at removing stains, and the bleach formula used in soft washing could eventually impact the integrity of the GoNano application. Therefore, we strongly recommend soft washing a dirty roof beforehand.

What do insurance companies think about this? Do they treat this as a new roof or change how they rate the risk of your roof?


Many of our clients have successfully obtained approval from their insurance companies to use GoNano as a solution to extend the life of their roofs, delaying the need for a full roof replacement. While it does depend on the specific case, all one needs to do is contact their insurer and discuss the GoNano option. Most insurance companies are now aware of our product and recognize the benefits of applying GoNano to prolong a roof's lifespan.

How long does the treatment continue to have this effect?


The water beading effect will diminish after about 5-8 years, depending on the local weather conditions, but this does not impact the product's performance. The product continues to perform well throughout the entire 10-15 year period.

Does it protect from the sun?


Yes! All of our products reflect UV rays to limit heat absorption, slow aging and prevent discoloration.

Does the chemical make the roof less or more flammable?  Or, no impact?


No, nanosilica does not change fire susceptibility, as tested by UL Standards under Fire standard UL790 (Class A shingles remain Class A).
(See UL Standards - Fireproofing - Standard 790)

Once applied, how many years will it last?  When would it need to be reapplied to secure max protection?


One treatment will increase residential roofs’ lifespan by 10 to 15 years, and therefore does not need to be applied again, though we could increase even further the added lifespan by applying a second treatment halfway through the established added lifespan for the roof in question (though again, no scientific testing was conducted on the lifespan effect of 2 treatments, but that is also currently in development).

Does it take 1 or 2 treatments?  Does multiple coats or treatment make it even stronger? 


One treatment is effective, but applying two treatments will enhance the following aspects: 
1. Hailstorm resistance.
2. Wind resistance.
3. Water infiltration resistance.
4. The hypothetical lifespan 
(Please note that the effects of two applications have not been scientifically tested yet, but it is being considered).

Still have questions? Email us at info@gonano.co